Thursday, February 19, 2015

Beautiful Auckland

Hi All,

Just a short post from Auckland, more after our tour tomorrow.  We arrived in Auckland this morning.  The sail in was beautiful.

IMG 2048

We docked right downtown which made getting into the city very easy, just walk off the ship.

IMG 2050

The city is amazingly beautiful.  We started by going to the Sky Tower.


The views from the tower were fantastic.  Some people bungie jump from this tower.  We did not!!


IMG 2054

We could see our ship from the tower.

IMG 2053

We have two more days in Auckland and will post more pictures of our time here.  Really can’t say enough about how beautiful this place is and how friendly the people are.  

Bye for now, more from Auckland tomorrow.

Jer and Helen

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I caught up on your blog during a road trip today. Your trip looks like a lot of fun. Thanks for posting so much!