Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Sea Day

Another leisurely sea day as we make our way to Salaverry, Peru. 

This morning we did a 4 mile walk on the Promenade Deck. The seas have been very calm so it makes for a very easy walk.

Dr. Jay Wolff gave his final lecture of the cruise. He is Jer’s favorite lecturer so he is sad to see him go. He will be leaving the ship in Lima. His talk today was “The Story of Peru.”  He talked about Francisco Pizzaro and Pirate Extraordinaire, Francis Drake. The Incas were conquered, the city of Lima arose and the gold Spain plundered was stolen by a better thief, Francis Drake.

Lunch in the Lido and then another lecture in the afternoon.

The maritime lecturer has been Bill Miller. He also is getting off in Lima. His talk today was “Gateway to the World. The Great Port of New York.” He talked about the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, the bridges and the different skyscrapers of New York. It was very interesting.

At the beginning of the cruise the Captain had a Welcome aboard reception. He mentioned the nationalities of the Full World Cruisers. Here is the breakdown.   Australia(8), Austria(2), Brazil (1), Canada (63), Switzerland (2), Germany (6), Denmark (1), Great Britain (21), Japan (17), Mexico, (11), Malta (1), New Zealand (2), USA (469).

As I said earlier, many, many, of the world cruisers have done numerous world cruises. Most travelers on here are very well traveled. We have traveled a lot, but we are novices compared to most on here.

When we get to Lima, it will be the end of the first segment of this trip. We will have five more to go. This segment was sold out and I do believe the next segment is sold out also. The next segment crosses the Pacific to Auckland, New Zealand. We will have new lecturers come on board for this segment. There will be quite a few sea days on our way across the Pacific, but we also have some interesting ports, so stay tuned.

Tonight is formal night so everyone will be out and about in their finery. Dinner in the Crystal Dining Room and then the concert pianist in the Galaxy Lounge. 

We are kind of curious about who is following our blog.  So, if you are, please leave us a comment.  Just click on comment at the of any post and leave us a note.  Thanks.

See you in Salaverry.


Larry Megan said...

Hi Uncle jer and Helen, we are reading your blog especially today because the kids needed to read a blog for school. Hannah says, "sounds cool, I want to go." This type of trip will definitely go on our bucket list! Thanks for the commentary! We will have to get my parents to join you! Love, Amanda and crew

Unknown said...

You know we are following the blog!
Bob and Lisa

Unknown said...

We look every day- at least once. Enjoy your commentary. Keep going.

Doc and Gaga

Anonymous said...

Hi Jerry and Helen Ken and I have been following your blog everyday. Sounds like you are having fun.
The Ralls

Anonymous said...

Hi Helen and Jer. I am thouroughly enjoying your blog. Some places I have been so it's been a fun reminder of when I was there. Of course, after the Panama Canal you are blazing a new trail for me to one day follow. You are doing a terrific job with your posts. The pictures and notes are very enjoyable. Thanks for inviting me to follow along .
