Saturday, January 31, 2015

Lima, Peru

Hi All,

Jerry is doing this posting.  Helen wasn’t able to post yesterday because the ship internet was down. 

We arrived in Lima yesterday (Fri) morning.  We were off the ship early on a private tour with three other cruisers.  The tour was a visit to the market to buy local ingredients that we would then prepare at a cooking class.  The whole day was a lot of fun.

This probably doesn’t look like the meat section of your grocery store.  All this meat must be sold by the end of the day, no refrigeration.


The fruit section.  We were given lots of samples to try.  All the fruit was wonderful.  Some of the things we tried we have never seen before.  Everyone in the market was very friendly, many wanted their picture taken with us.


I liked this guy!


Then it was off to cooking school. Here we are with the chef, our instructor.

IMG 1756

We prepared two dishes.  The appetizer was a layered dish of potatos and mixed vegetables.  Each person’s presentation was judged by the chef.  Helen’s presentation won.  Mine came in last :(.  Here is Helen’s dish.  I won’t show mine, it was a mess.

IMG 1759

The main course was a shredded chicken dish.  The chicken was served on top of potatos with rice on the side.  It was delicious.  We did all the chopping, peeling, shredding, mashing, etc to prepare the meal.

IMG 1761

So, it was a fun day.  We returned to the ship late afternoon.  After dinner we went to a show of Peruvian music and dancing.  The performers were from a local group.  It was great.

Today we are getting off the ship early for another all day tour of the city.  Lima is beautiful, big, and hectic.  It is the second largest city in the world built on a desert.  It is bone dry.  Cairo is the largest city built on a desert (for you trivia fans).

Bye for now.

BigJer and Helen

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