Friday, January 30, 2015

Salaverry and Trujillo, Peru

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We docked in Salaverry and took the shuttle to Trujillo. This was the pretty little square where they let us off.
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There was a lovely cathedral across the street.IMG 1691
One of the streets we walked down.
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The photo was from the front of the ship. As you can see it is very dry here. There was sand everywhere. I never realized Peru was so desert like.IMG 3434
Here I am with my new Inca friend. Bought another new hat from a vendor in port.
Sail away at 4PM for Lima.
We have two tours booked as we are staying overnight.


Boo Bollock said...

Love your hats Aunt Helen! I'm finally getting caught up with your travels. You & Jer sure are hard to keep track of! haha
This blog was an excellent idea...Thanks so much for sharing!!

Love to you both & happy trails, or waves I guess. :)

Savannah Suz said...

Me bad! I FINALLY got onto your blogs and have spent the last hour going through EVERY one! What a fabulous expedition. If one of you kicks off I will accompany the other on the rest of the trip. Coach would sure have enjoyed all those beers with you. And Jer I'm impressed with all your spin classes and with both of you and your walking. Now you can graduate to Bikram Yoga in the 105 degree rooms! The pictures are clear and colorful. South America looks like it might have to get on my bucket list. So glad you are enjoying this trip and sharing all the adventures. enjoy Suz💃💃👯👯