Sunday, January 18, 2015

Getting My Groove On

Jer is always up before I am. He was off to the gym and then back to collect me for breakfast. Had a leisurely morning and then an early lunch.

Crystal has some of the best lectures at sea. We went to one this afternoon about Cunard’s Queens….Queen Mary, Queen Elizabeth and Queen Victoria. It was really interesting as we have been on the Queen Mary2. We loved our crossing on the QM2 and it was wonderful to hear how these cruise ships evolved. At one point Cunard was about to go out of business, but Carnival Corp. came along and bought them out. 

Just to let you know a little about the demographics of this cruise, we are about the youngest on here. Most of the guests have been on multiple world cruises. Had lunch with one lady that has been on 12 world cruises. We often hear couples talk about how long they have been married…..most over 50 years. 

We talked to one lady that has done many, many cruises. She was on a world cruise 5 years ago when her husband passed away on the cruise. She said she and her husband had a pact that if anything happened to either one of them, the other one would continue on the cruise. She said that she was at first criticized by some, but in the end, they realized she had done the right thing. Jer and I have made that pact, too :).

This afternoon we did get out on the Promenade Deck and walked for five miles. At this rate we may be able keep up with food and alcohol consumption.

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We have been really enjoying the Crystal Dining Room. The food and service have been outstanding.

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Love how the walls are metal so we can bring our magnets and post everything. The girlies made us the cherries from Traverse City and the Nana and Grandpa figures so we could bring them with us. World Cruise calendar below so we know where we are going.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Must feel good to be the youngsters on the cruise! Glad you guys are having such a great time:)