Monday, April 13, 2015

Montevideo, Uruguary

Hi All,

  Yesterday we finally completed our 7 day trip across the South Atlantic.  Everyone was eager to set foot on land in Montevideo.  This is what it looked like as we approached the port.

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We don’t have any city pictures.  We didn’t tour the city as Crystal had planned a special event for all those on the world cruise.  The event was called “Pueblo Gaucho”, a celebration of 19th century Uruguay.  It was held at La Baguala, one of the oldest and most legendary estancias (ranch) in the country.  We left the ship at 1030am for the 30 minute drive to the estancia.  When we arrived we were greeted by gauchos and other colorful characters.  

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We were greeted with a large variety of hors d’oeuvres, and champagne, wine, beer, and soft drinks.

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All around the venue were people in traditional garb.

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The property is beautiful.  It is normally used as a bed and breakfast and a wedding and special events location.  Crystal booked the entire property for our event.

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The ranch overlooks the ocean.

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Lots of animals at the ranch including sheep, cows, horses, and this guy.

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Horse and gaucho taking a break.

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We had lots of entertainment while we waited for lunch.

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Lunch was served in a large tent that seated all 600 of the world cruisers. 

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The food was fantastic.

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After lunch the traditional entertainment started.  Lots of tango dancers.

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Other dancers

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This part of the show featured the Carnival side of South American culture.

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Jer DID NOT take this picture, Helen did.  But I like her work :).

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At the end of the show a conga line got started and guests joined the dancing.

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Late in the afternoon it was time to return to the ship. As we left La Baguala, the staff lined up to say goodbye.  They were all wonderful and really made us feel welcome.

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We had a wonderful day at this event.  Crystal did a fantastic job putting all this together.  We were also blessed with a day of perfect weather.

At 6pm we set sail for Buenos Aires.  So bye for now, next post will be on Wednesday after leaving BA.

Jer and Helen


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